OZNET => Virtual Private Networks  => Broadband VPN

Traditionally businesses have been using ISDN dedicated leased lines or frame-relay circuits. These are proving costly today, don't provide the flexibility needed to create new links where and when needed.

Broadband VPN allows network managers to economically connect remote branch offices and project teams to the main corporate network as and when required. They also provide remote access to employees and reduce the need for in-house equipment and support.

Benefits of Broadband VPN over ISDN & Frame Relay

  • Cost Reduction- in data communication, capital investment and monthly charges.
  • Flexibility- adding New Networks or remote users without any major disruption.
  • Performance- higher data transfer rates.
  • Savings on maintenance and support

Also See:
What is VPN
DSL Braodband FAQ

Oznet's Broadband VPN will provide you with:

  • 99.9% uptime guarantee Business DSL.

  • Competitive pricing

  • Flexible solutions to meet your needs

  • High quality 24/7 Service

As a first step we need to know your location and Broadband requirements. Please take a moment to submit this form. 

Pay for VPN with any of these cards

OZNET®  & SureDial ®  are Registered Trademarks of Oznet Internet Services Pty Ltd.

Oznet Internet Services Pty Ltd.
Internet Access Provider Specialists 
Sydney,  Australia
ABN 66 091 971 587
Phone: 0425 286 233
Fax: (+61 2) 9318 0475
E-mail: Email for  Broadband VPN services