Configuring Windows for TCP/IP Networking


Windows 95, 98, and NT include the software components for establishing a TCP/IP network.  If you are using a PC with Windows 3.1, you will need a TCP/IP application package such as NetManage Chameleon.

The instructions below provide the minimal basic setup that is most commonly used. Your network administrator might instruct you to enter either less or more information.

Installing network hardware and software components

First, inspect the current network setup of your computer.  To view the setup, follow these steps:

  1. From the Windows 98 (95) tool bar, click the Start button: start.gif (1044 bytes)
  2. Select Settings
  3. Select Control Panel
  4. Double-click on Network

Network Properties

The Network Properties menu will be displayed. For each tab, click on the reduced image to see a full-size example.

click to expand


This first tab will display a list of installed components. Among the components, there must appear:

  • Microsoft Family Logon (98) or Client for Microsoft Networks (95)
  • Dial-up Networking
  • TCP/IP protocol
  • File and Printer Sharing (only necessary if this PC's resources are to be shared)

These components are the minimum necessary configuration for connecting a PC  to the Oznet network.  If any of these components are missing, add them according to the instructions below. You may be asked to insert your Windows CD during the installation of these components.  If other components appear (such as IPX/SPX, NetBEUI, or Network adapters), do not delete them without determining whether they are needed for other purposes.

If Dial-up Networking does not appear, follow these steps:

  1. Go to My Computer, Control Panel.
  2. Click Open Add/Remove Programs, Click on Windows Setup.
  3. In the displayed list, highlight Communications and then click "Details".
  4. In the displayed list, put a tick  to the left of Dial-up Networking.
  5. Click OK, Windows may ask for your CD to be inserted.
  6. Once all drivers have been installed, Windows will reboot.

If the TCP/IP protocol does not appear, follow these steps:

  1. Press the Add button.
  2. Select Protocol and press the Add button.
  3. Select Microsoft.
  4. Select TCP/IP and press the OK button.

If Client for Microsoft Networks (or Microsoft Family Log0n) does not appear, follow these steps:

  1. Press the Add button.
  2. Select Client and press the Add button.
  3. Select Microsoft.
  4. Select Client for Microsoft Networks and press the OK button.

click to expand


Select the Identification tab. Click on the reduced image to see a full-size example. 

Computer Name Give the PC a unique name
Workgroup Choose a Workgroup name, and set it to be the same for all local PCs
Computer Description This field is optional and merely provides descriptive information to be displayed in the Network Neighbourhood listing for this PC

Configuring TCP/IP Properties

At this point your PC is configured to use TCP/IP as its primary networking protocol, but it does not yet have an IP address or any other TCP/IP-specific properties necessary for TCP/IP networking.  The remaining configuration information can be entered manually or it can be fetched automatically from a local server using the Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP).  Both methods are described below.

Configuring TCP/IP Properties by DHCP
( this is not for Home users, only if connecting through a router)

If your network includes a device (such as an NT server or a router) that is set up to function as a DHCP server, simply reboot the PC.   The PC will obtain the following configuration information from the DHCP server:

  • IP address and netmask
  • gateway (router) address (if available)
  • DNS server addresses (if available)

Most routers are shipped preconfigured as DHCP servers and will assign an IP addresses, netmask and gateway address when an attached PC is rebooted.  The default IP addresses will be from the range of IETF-designated private addresses.

Configuring TCP/IP Properties Manually
(for a standalone home or office PC )

If you choose not to configure your PC by DHCP, you must manually enter the TCP/IP configuration information. In the Network Properties menu shown in the previous section, select the Configuration tab.  Select TCP/IP protocol, and click on Properties to display the TCP/IP Properties menu.  This menu contains several tabs.  For each tab, click on the reduced images on your right to see a full-size example.

click to expand

IP Address Tab

  1. Click on 'Specify an IP Address'.
  2. Tick "Obtain an IP Address Automatically"..
  3. DO NOT PRESS OK. Continue with the instructions.

Unless you have been assigned a registered IP address for your PC, tick the Automatic option.

click to expand

Gateway Tab

  1. Select the Gateway tab.
  2. All must be blank.
  3. DO NOT PRESS OK. Continue with the instructions.

click to expand

DNS Configuration Tab

If Oznet or your network administrator has provided you with the address of a DNS server, enter the address in this tab, otherwise

  1. Select the DNS Configuration tab
  2. Select Disable DNS.
  3. DO NOT PRESS OK. Continue with the instructions.

Other Tabs

The TCP/IP Properties menu contains these additional tabs:

WINS Configuration
Specifies the location of Windows Internet Naming Service servers for browsing across internetworks. Select Diable Wins Resolution.
Specifies Browsemaster and ListManager settings.
Binds Client components to protocols.

For basic TCP/IP networking, these tabs can usually be left at their default settings. For more information on Windows networking, please refer to your Windows documentation.

Finish Manual Configuration

  1. Click the OK button for TCP/IP properties.
  2. Click the OK button for Network Configuration.
  3. Reboot the PC when prompted.

Verifying TCP/IP Properties

wintcp/winipcfg.gif (3551 bytes)After your PC has been configured and rebooted, and after you connect to Oznet, you can check the TCP/IP configuration information by running the Windows application 'winipcfg' from the Start button:  start.gif (1044 bytes)

For Windows NT systems, use the application 'ipconfig'.

IP ConfigurationThe first winipcfg screen shows:

  • the Ethernet adapter card type and MAC address.
  • the IP address and subnet mask of the PC
  • the assigned gateway address

Click on 'More Info' to see additional configuration settings.

IP ConfigurationThe expanded winipcfg screen shows the addresses of the DHCP server and any DNS servers.

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